Table of Contents


To say that energy is essential to modern life is an understatement. Everything, from manufacturing to AI, relies on a firm, constant supply of energy, which may be in the form of electricity, fuels, or even food for human or animal power.

As technology progresses, there is a trend towards the electrification of energy. While in the past people relied on fuels such as wood, coal, or oil, modern industry and commerce running on electricity for the most part, barring certain heavy industrial processes like steelmaking and holdout sectors such as air and sea transportation.

At the same time, the production of carbon dioxide via the combustion of fossil fuels for primary energy or electricity production has contributed to rising global temperatures and environmental degradation, which is particularly felt in less developed and poorer regions around the world. On the plus side, this has also caused a shift towards cleaner and more renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy, as well as enhancing energy efficiency and developing carbon capture and storage solutions.

These twin trends of electrification and clean energy pose new challenges, particularly considering the burgeoning energy demand through the proliferation of artificial intelligence. Yet opportunities abound in the newfound decentralisation that renewable energy sources bring, especially when combined with web3 technology and decentralised physical infrastructure (DePIN). This paper will outline a novel way to harness renewable energy sources to better meet the increased energy needs of the world, and at the same time achieve other goals like climate justice.

Problem and Background

Building renewable energy data centres green computing token on a decentralised exchange

Reliability and consistency of renewable energy with source(s)

  1. Renewable energy is not consistent and reliable enough for the burgeoning rise in energy needs in industrial, transportation, residential, and commercial. Rapidly rising demands of transformation such as AI Data Centres across all industries. 
  2. Investment in renewables is still difficult for developing economies.

Solution and Technology

3 levels:

  1. Rheo Energy Stablecoin
    Format: (GCT: Green Computing Token)  
  2. DeFi Payment (GreenFi: Rheo Native Token) 
  3. Enabling Renewable Infrastructure for Data Centres


Issuing W3G Certification which stands for Web 3 Green Certification, under a proposed initiative called Web 3 Green Council.

Rheo’s potential partners are PwC, 360green, C14, Xctuality, and Asia ESG Development. Rheo believes that community support is important, to achieve a holistic view of the Web 3 ESG environment.

Areas of implementation:

1. Events: CSR, Seminar, Conference, Philanthropy.
2. Education: Partnering with organisations, E.g. BCG to expand the awareness of ESG.

Technical Architecture:

Rheo on the Energy Chain

Rheo functions similarly to utility tokens on other public blockchains, granting access to services and coordinating participants within the Green Computing Ecosystem. On this chain, Rheo compensates validators for transaction processing and covers transaction costs, such as registering new assets or organisations in Switchboard.

Utility tokens like Rheo differ from other blockchain assets, such as coins, non-fungible tokens, and stablecoins. For a detailed comparison of these assets, refer to the article, “The Ultimate Cryptocurrency Explainer: Bitcoin, Utility Tokens, and Stablecoins.”

Rheo Energy Chain (Layer 0)

Rheo will enhance the current Energy Chain by introducing new technical capabilities to improve the deployment and management of Worker Node networks.

To ensure the security of Rheo solutions using worker nodes, Rheo will be necessary for interacting with both worker nodes. Specifically, Rheo will be used to:

Rheo Network Operations:

  • Reward Worker Nodes: Individuals or businesses operating worker nodes, which are software packages within the Rheo network, will earn Rheo rewards for their contributions. Enterprises are responsible for providing these rewards to encourage active participation in maintaining worker nodes.
  • Operate Worker Nodes: To become a trusted operator of worker nodes, individuals or businesses must stake Rheo tokens. Enterprises can customise staking requirements and reward structures based on their specific worker node network configurations.
  • Validate Green Computing Tokens: Validators in the Rheo network must stake a substantial amount of Rheo tokens to participate in the validation process, ensuring the integrity and reliability of green computing tokens.

Rheo will utilise computing tokens from the existing chain, or users can choose to launch their own token with our white label on a Layer 0 basis. Through Rheo, a Layer 0 blockchain, facilitates interoperability across different blockchain ecosystems.


Mining with “PoE” (Proof of Energy) on the Rheo Energy Chain

The Rheo Energy Chain introduces an innovative consensus mechanism called Proof of Energy (PoE). Unlike traditional mining methods, PoE ties the creation of new tokens directly to the generation and consumption of renewable energy. This sustainable approach ensures that only verifiable clean energy sources can be used to mine tokens on the Rheo Energy Chain.

How It Works:

  • Energy Verification: The Rheo network rigorously validates the energy used in the mining process, ensuring that it comes exclusively from certified renewable sources such as solar, wind, or hydroelectric power. This verification is conducted using advanced blockchain technology and real-time monitoring systems, which guarantee that every unit of energy consumed is both green and sustainable. By prioritising renewable energy, Rheo sets a new standard for environmentally responsible blockchain mining.
  • Token Generation: Miners contribute to the network by producing clean energy, tracked meticulously through energy contributors, and IoT devices integrated within the Rheo ecosystem. The energy they generate and consume within the network directly influences their mining power, creating a system where sustainable energy producers gain a competitive advantage. This innovative approach transforms energy production into a key asset in the mining process, aligning environmental stewardship with economic incentives.
  • Token Burn Mechanism: Tokens are intentionally removed from circulation to manage supply and increase value.


Application for Rheo:

  • Energy-Linked Burning: Tokens could be burned to offset carbon footprints from non-renewable energy usage.
  • Incentivise Efficiency: Tokens might be burned for inefficient or non-renewable energy use, encouraging cleaner practices.
  • Economic Stability: Regular token burns could help control inflation and maintain token value.
  • Token Rewards: Miners are rewarded with Rheo tokens proportional to their verified renewable energy contributions. This system incentivises the production of clean energy, as miners can maximise their earnings by utilising more renewable sources. By linking economic rewards to environmental responsibility, Rheo ensures that the benefits of blockchain technology are realised without compromising the planet’s health.


Real-Time Power Auctioning:

  • Dynamic Energy Trading: Enables immediate buying and selling of energy based on real-time supply and demand.


Application for Rheo:

  • Decentralised Market: Energy is auctioned in real-time to optimise allocation and pricing.
  • Dynamic Pricing: Prices adjust based on energy availability, incentivising efficient production and consumption.
  • Smart Contracts: Automate transactions and pricing adjustments for transparency and efficiency.
  • Environmental Benefits: Enhances the use of renewable energy and reduces waste by matching supply with demand.


Application in Rheo for Future Contracts & Smart Contracts:

Energy Futures Contracts: Rheo Green Computing Tokens are utilised to issue and manage energy futures contracts, allowing data centres and energy users to trade and secure future energy supplies at a price set via an auction mechanism, at a set future date. Energy is delivered at the expiry of these contracts and implemented with regulatory and security measures including:

  • Token Locking and Confiscation: Implemented to secure Total Value Locked (TVL) and promote growth while ensuring robust safety measures. Safeguarding the network with perimeters of secured measures, including the appropriate usage of accounts/wallets.


Smart Contracts: These could be employed to automate the creation, execution, and settlement of energy futures contracts using Rheo Green Computing Tokens. Smart contracts would handle the conditions and ensure that transactions are carried out as agreed. 

This implementation shall be secured using our network built upon, the tried-and-tested blockchain platform Cosmos, with transactions verified via a distributed network of validators, who earn via a portion of transaction fees. 

Impact: By implementing PoE on the Rheo Energy Chain, we are pioneering a new standard where energy efficiency and environmental sustainability are the core drivers of blockchain operations. This approach reduces the carbon footprint associated with mining and positions Rheo as a leader in the global transition to a greener, more sustainable digital economy.

Cost Savings from Traditional Energy to Renewable Energy:

Example Calculation:

If a data centre consumes 10,000,000 kWh annually, the cost of using fossil fuels would be:

Fossil Fuel Cost: 10,000,000 kWh * $0.12/kWh = $1,200,000

Renewable Energy Cost: 10,000,000 kWh * $0.06/kWh = $600,000

Savings: $600,000 annually. (50% reduction)

Scaling: For large AI data centres consuming 100 million kWh annually, the savings would be $6 million per year. These savings can be reinvested into further technological improvements, additional computational resources, or renewable energy infrastructure.

Operational Efficiency:

Renewable energy sources often have lower operational costs and maintenance requirements compared to fossil fuel-based power plants, leading to more predictable and stable energy costs over time. AI data centres, which require consistent and reliable energy, benefit from this stability.

Environmental Impact:

The shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy reduces carbon emissions significantly. AI data centres are energy-intensive, and using renewable energy can drastically reduce their carbon footprint.


Average carbon emissions for fossil fuels: ~0.92 kg CO₂/kWh.

If the data centre uses 100 million kWh:

CO₂ Emissions (Fossil Fuels): 100 million kWh * 0.92 kg/kWh = 92,000,000 kg CO₂ (92,000 metric tons).

Switching to renewables could reduce this to near-zero emissions, helping data centres contribute to global Net-Zero targets.

Impact on Achieving Net-Zero:

Global Energy Consumption:

The energy sector is responsible for over 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources at a global scale is crucial for achieving Net-Zero.

Drastic Impact:

If the global energy demand (approximately 23,000 TWh annually) shifted even partially from fossil fuels to renewable energy, the reduction in carbon emissions would be enormous.

For every 1% of global energy demand (230 TWh) shifted from fossil fuels to renewables, the CO₂ emissions reduction could be:

CO₂ Emissions Reduction: 230 TWh * 0.92 kg/kWh = 211,600,000 metric tons CO₂.

AI and Data Centre Contributions to Net-Zero:

Data centres are estimated to consume about 1% of global electricity. If all data centres transitioned from fossil fuels to renewable energy:

Global CO₂ Emissions Reduction: 1% of global electricity consumption = ~230 TWh.

Potential CO₂ reduction: 211.6 million metric tons annually.

Economic Impact:

The global transition to renewable energy can stimulate economic growth by creating jobs in the renewable energy sector, reducing energy costs, and decreasing the economic risks associated with climate change.


Significance of the $0.06/kWh vs. $0.12/kWh Difference (50% reduction): The difference in cost becomes magnified at large scales, leading to substantial cost savings, which can be critical for high-energy industries like AI data centres. Additionally, the environmental benefits are enormous, significantly contributing to global Net-Zero targets.

Global Impact: The widespread adoption of renewable energy, driven by both economic and environmental incentives, can drastically reduce global carbon emissions, help stabilise energy prices, and promote sustainable development.

Data Centres & Energy Costs:

Traditional energy (fossil fuels) costs $0.12/kWh, while renewable energy (solar, wind) costs $0.06/kWh. (50% reduction)

Though the cost difference is slight, it significantly impacts large-scale operations like AI data centres and achieving Net-Zero goals.

Globally, this shift can lead to substantial savings and emissions reductions.

Use cases such as Dubai & Saudi Arabia’s Renewable Energy Goals:

Both regions aim to achieve 25% renewable energy by 2030.

Saudi Arabia: Could reduce annual CO₂ emissions by 147.25 million metric tons, achieving a 25% reduction.

Dubai (UAE): Could reduce annual CO₂ emissions by 52.25 million metric tons, also achieving a 25% reduction.

Requires consistent investment and growth in renewable infrastructure, with annual increases of 3-4% in renewable energy share.

To understand Saudi Arabia use case a little better:


What percentage of Saudi Arabia is renewable energy?

International – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Saudi Arabia generated an estimated 374 terawatthours (TWh) of electricity in 2022, up 2% from 367 TWh in 2021. In 2022, Saudi Arabia generated 67% of its electricity from natural gas (up from 60% in 2021), 33% from oil (down from 40%), and less than 1% from renewables (the same as in 2021).


Renewable energy driven in data centres and tokenomics can drive more value and renewable energy infrastructure building by 3% to 4% per annum, and a 50% reduction of cost.

SLA for Energy-Efficient Data Centre

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

1. Service Description

  • Service Overview:
    Rheo Energy Solutions will provide data centre services with energy-efficient infrastructure powered by renewable energy sources. Services include server hosting, data storage, and energy consumption monitoring, integrated with an energy token-based payment system.
  • Scope of Services:
    • Data storage and hosting
    • 24/7 monitoring and management
    • Renewable energy usage and carbon footprint tracking
    • Token-based payments and rewards

2. Performance Metrics

  • Uptime Guarantee:
    Rheo Energy Solutions guarantees a minimum of 99.9% uptime on all services. Downtime exceeding this threshold will result in service credits.
  • Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE):
    The data centre will maintain a PUE of 1.3 or lower. PUE will be monitored monthly and reported to the client.
  • Energy Source:
    A minimum of 90% of the energy consumed by the data centre will be sourced from renewable energy.
  • Response Time:
    Support tickets will be responded to within 30 minutes, with resolution times based on the severity of the issue.

3. Charges and Pricing Structure

  • Base Hosting Fee:
    • $0.15 per kWh for energy consumption (assumes 50% reduction in energy costs due to renewable sources)
    • $0.05 per GB of data storage per month
  • Token-Based Incentives:
    • Clients using Rheo tokens receive a 10% discount on energy charges.
    • Tokens staked for over 6 months receive an additional 5% reduction in charges.
  • Service Credits for Downtime:
    • If uptime falls below 99.9%, the client will receive service credits equal to 10% of the monthly fee for every 0.1% below the threshold.
  • Additional Fees:
    • $500 one-time setup fee per server rack
    • $200 per hour for custom energy optimization consulting

4. Profitability for Investors

  • Energy Cost Savings:
    • With a 50% reduction in energy costs ($0.06/kWh compared to $0.12/kWh for fossil fuels), operational margins are significantly improved.
  • Token Adoption and Utilisation:
    • Investors can assess profit potential through token price appreciation and transaction fees generated on the Rheo platform.
  • Scalability:
    • As more clients adopt energy-efficient data centres, the fixed costs (like infrastructure) are spread over more revenue-generating units, increasing profitability.

5. SLA Compliance Monitoring

  • Monthly Reporting:
    Rheo Energy Solutions will provide monthly reports on uptime, PUE, energy source composition, and service credit allocation.
  • Quarterly Review:
    A quarterly review will be conducted with the client to assess service performance, compliance with SLA terms, and potential areas for improvement.

Profit Calculation for Investors:

  • Revenue:
    • Assume a data centre hosts 100 server racks.
    • Each rack uses 1,000 kWh/month = 100,000 kWh total.
    • Revenue from energy: $0.15/kWh x 100,000 kWh = $15,000/month.
    • Revenue from storage (50 TB total): $0.05/GB x 50,000 GB = $2,500/month.
    • Total Monthly Revenue = $17,500.
  • Costs:
    • Energy costs (with renewables): $0.06/kWh x 100,000 kWh = $6,000.
    • Net Profit Per Rack: $17,500 – $6,000 = $11,500/month.
    • $11,500 multiply by 100 server racks = $1,150,000
  • Annual Revenue Potential:
    • Annual Profit = $1,150,000 X 12 months = $13,800,000

Year-over-Year (YoY) Growth Calculation

Assuming that the business grows by acquiring more customers and expanding its capacity, we’ll consider a modest growth rate of 20% YoY in terms of revenue.

Year 1:

  • Annual Profit: $13,800,000

Year 2:

  • Projected Profit: $13,800,000 * 1.2 = $16,560,000

Year 3:

  • Projected Profit: $16,560,000 * 1.2 = $19,872,000


Valuation can be approached in different ways, including by using the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method or by applying a revenue or profit multiple commonly used in the industry.

1. Valuation Using Revenue Multiple

A typical revenue multiple for tech companies, especially in the data centre and renewable energy sectors, might range from 4x to 10x, depending on the growth potential and market conditions.

  • Year 1 Valuation: $21 million (ARR) * 5 (multiple) = $105 million
  • Year 2 Valuation: $25.2 million (ARR) * 5 = $126 million
  • Year 3 Valuation: $30.24 million (ARR) * 5 = $151.2 million

2. Valuation Using Profit Multiple

Another approach is to apply a multiple to the profit. A common profit multiple might range from 8x to 15x, depending on the business’s risk profile and market outlook.

  • Year 1 Valuation: $21 million (Revenue) * 10 (multiple) = $210 million
  • Year 2 Valuation: $25.2 million (Revenue) * 10 = $252 million
  • Year 3 Valuation: $30.24 million (Revenue) * 10 = $302.4 million

Comparison Between Actual ARR and Valuation

  • Year 1:
    • ARR: $21 million
    • Valuation (Revenue Multiple): $105million
    • Valuation (Profit Multiple): $210 million
  • Year 2:
    • ARR: $25.2 million
    • Valuation (Revenue Multiple): $126 million
    • Valuation (Profit Multiple): $252 million
  • Year 3:
    • ARR: $30.24 million
    • Valuation (Revenue Multiple): $151.2 million
    • Valuation (Profit Multiple): $302.4 million

Key Considerations

  • Growth Rate: The actual YoY growth rate could vary depending on market demand, competition, and the company’s ability to scale its operations.
  • Valuation Multiple: The multiples used for valuation could vary significantly depending on the company’s growth trajectory, profitability, market conditions, and investor sentiment.
  • Discounted Cash Flow (DCF): A DCF valuation might provide a more nuanced view by accounting for the time value of money.


Ticker: Rheo
Purpose: The token is used for energy trading within a decentralised platform.
Total Supply: Fixed at 300 million tokens to maintain scarcity and value.
Initial Distribution:

  • 25% to founders and team (vesting over 2 years)
  • 15% to early investors and advisors (vesting over 1 year)
  • 25% for incentives and rewards
  • 20% for partnerships and strategic reserves
  • 15% for future development and community engagement

Initial Circulating Supply: Initial 100 million tokens available.
Vesting and Lock-Up: Implement a 1-year lock-up period for early investors and a 2-year vesting schedule for team members.
Token Format: Native Rheo Token (RX)
Lock Up: 80% of Rheo are initially locked and such tokens will unlock over the course of three years per the Token Release Schedule below.


  1. Initial Token Issuance:
    • Year 1: 100 million tokens issued.
    • Year 2: Total issuance reaches 200 million tokens (additional 100 million tokens).
    • Year 3: Total issuance reaches 300 million tokens (additional 100 million tokens).
  2. Burning Mechanism:
    • Burn Rate: Assume a percentage of tokens is burned annually to reduce supply and potentially increase value. For simplicity, assume a 2% annual burn rate.
  3. Revenue and Costs:
    • Revenue per Token: Assume a stable revenue per token is generated. For example, $1 per token in Year 1, increasing by 10% annually due to growth and adoption.
    • Costs: Operational and maintenance costs to be deducted from the revenue.


Year 1:

  • Tokens Issued: 100 million
  • Revenue per Token: $1
  • Total Revenue: 100 million tokens × $1 = $100 million
  • Burned Tokens (2%): 2 million tokens
  • Remaining Tokens: 100 million – 2 million = 98 million tokens
  • Costs: Assume $30 million for operational costs.
  • Net Profit: $100 million – $30 million = $70 million

Year 2:

  • Additional Tokens Issued: 100 million
  • Total Tokens: 200 million
  • Revenue per Token: $1.10 (10% increase)
  • Total Revenue: 200 million tokens × $1.10 = $220 million
  • Burned Tokens (2% of 200 million): 4 million tokens
  • Remaining Tokens: 200 million – 4 million = 196 million tokens
  • Costs: Assume $40 million for operational costs.
  • Net Profit: $220 million – $40 million = $180 million

Year 3:

  • Additional Tokens Issued: 100 million
  • Total Tokens: 300 million
  • Revenue per Token: $1.21 (10% increase)
  • Total Revenue: 300 million tokens × $1.21 = $363 million
  • Burned Tokens (2% of 300 million): 6 million tokens
  • Remaining Tokens: 300 million – 6 million = 294 million tokens
  • Costs: Assume $50 million for operational costs.
  • Net Profit: $363 million – $50 million = $313 million

YoY Profit Summary:

  1. Year 1:
    • Revenue: $100 million
    • Costs: $30 million
    • Net Profit: $70 million
  2. Year 2:
    • Revenue: $220 million
    • Costs: $40 million
    • Net Profit: $180 million
    • YoY Growth in Profit: ($180 million – $70 million) / $70 million = 157%
  3. Year 3:
    • Revenue: $363 million
    • Costs: $50 million
    • Net Profit: $313 million
    • YoY Growth in Profit: ($313 million – $180 million) / $180 million = 74%

General Market Trends:

  1. Renewable Energy:
    • The global renewable energy market is projected to reach $1.9 trillion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 8.6%.
    • This creates a significant demand for energy-efficient infrastructure, particularly in blockchain-based projects.
  2. Blockchain and Web 3.0:
    • The blockchain market is projected to reach $1.4 trillion by 2030, with many projects incorporating decentralised energy trading, as Rheo aims to do.
  3. Data Centres:
    • Global data centre investments are expected to reach $288 billion by 2027, with sustainable energy practices and energy-efficient data centres becoming central concerns.

Valuation Insights for Rheo:

Given that Rheo combines renewable energy, blockchain (Web 3.0), and decentralised physical infrastructure (DePIN), its valuation would likely be benchmarked against companies in these spaces:

  • Energy Token Projects: Blockchain-based energy companies often start with valuation ranges between $20 million and $100 million in early funding rounds (pre-seed/seed).
  • Green Data Centre Projects: Given the sustainable energy angle, early-stage valuations for green data centre initiatives often hover around $50 million to $200 million, depending on the scale and geographical focus.

Projected Rheo’s Valuation:

  1. Pre-Seed or Seed Stage:
    • Valuation: For a unique project like Rheo, combining decentralised energy trading and data centre efficiency, a reasonable early-stage valuation could be $30 million to $50 million.
  2. Growth Stage (2-3 years):
    • If Rheo captures market share in energy trading, data centres, and tokenomics, a mid-term valuation (assuming successful token adoption and partnerships) could grow to around $200 million to $500 million.


  1. Initial Token Issuance (Year 1): 100 million tokens.
  2. Yearly Revenue Growth: Increased by 10% annually due to higher revenue per token.
  3. Annual Token Burn: Reduces supply and impacts the remaining token count.
  4. Profitability Growth: Significant YoY profit increase due to revenue growth and efficient cost management.
  5. In Totality: Rheo’s first 3 years of valuation would already be projected around half a billion.

RX (Native Token) & GCT Stablecoin (Utility Token):

  1. Rheo native token (RX): RX will function similarly to trading assets like BTC or ETH, making it suitable for buy/sell exchange-traded fund, and possibly network governance. It could attract traders and investors looking to participate in the value growth of the ecosystem.
  2. Green Computing Token (GCT): the Energy Stablecoin, would serve as a utility token pegged to the measurable output of renewable energy. Its value would be stable, designed for transactions within the Rheo Energy Trading Platform, Peer-to-Peer, and Payments, enabling users to interact with the energy market securely and reliably without volatility concerns.

This structure appeals both to speculative traders (via RX) and to businesses or users looking for stable currency, functional utility within the energy ecosystem (via GCT). This dual-token model can capture a broad range of market participants.

Late-Stage Growth

1. Market Value of Data Centres:

  • Current Valuation: Large data centre companies such as Equinix or Digital Realty have market capitalisations ranging from $40 billion to $60 billion.
  • Global Reach: These companies operate hundreds of data centres globally, across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and other regions.
  • Revenue Growth: On average, data centre companies can see annual revenue growth rates of 10-15%, driven by the increasing demand for cloud services, AI, and digital transformation.

2. Impact of an IPO:

  • Pre-IPO Valuation: A well-established data centre company might have a pre-IPO valuation in the billions, particularly if it already has significant revenues and a global presence.
  • Post-IPO Growth: After going public, the company’s valuation could significantly increase, especially if it continues to expand and capitalise on trends like 5G, AI, and blockchain technology.

3. Energy Stablecoins:

  • Market Potential: If energy stablecoins are widely adopted, their market capitalisation could easily reach billions. For instance, stablecoins like USDT and USDC have market caps in the tens of billions.
  • Integration with Data Centers: If the stablecoin is directly tied to energy usage in data centres, it could create a robust demand mechanism, driving up both usage and valuation.

4. Combined Valuation:

  • Initial Valuation: A combined data centre and energy stablecoin company could potentially start with a valuation in the low billions (e.g., $5-10 billion) at the time of IPO.
  • Growth Trajectory: With strong growth (20-30% annually), driven by expanding data centre needs, energy efficiency gains, and the adoption of energy stablecoins, the valuation could double every 3-5 years.
  • Mature Valuation: After 10-15 years, assuming successful global expansion, the combined valuation could reach $50-100 billion, assuming the company operates hundreds of data centres worldwide.

5. Timeline and Global Reach:

  • Timeline: Achieving a $50-100 billion valuation could take 10-15 years, depending on market conditions, the success of the IPO, and the adoption of energy stablecoins.
  • Number of Data Centers: To reach such a valuation, the company would likely need to operate several hundred data centres globally, with a strong presence in key markets like the US, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

Potential Use Cases

The Green Grid Network employs a dual-token model:

Utility Token: Used for buying and selling electricity, accessing energy storage services, lowering carbon emission projects and participating in demand response programs.

Governance Token: Represents a stake in the green computing platform. Holders of governance tokens have voting rights on key decisions, including energy management, development of new features and services, and profit distribution.

Why Tokenomics for the Energy Sector?

Encouraging Renewable Energy Adoption: Token-based reward systems motivate individuals and businesses to produce and consume renewable energy. For instance, homeowners with solar panels earn tokens for surplus energy returned to the grid, while consumers earn tokens for reducing energy use during peak periods.

Empowering Consumers: Tokenomics provide consumers with greater control over their energy consumption and bills. By facilitating direct buying and selling of energy on a peer-to-peer marketplace, consumers can select their energy sources and potentially save on costs.

Improving Transparency and Efficiency: Blockchain technology, which underpins tokenomics, ensures transparency and immutability in energy transactions. This helps reduce fraud, streamline processes, and cut costs for all parties involved.

Supporting Grid Flexibility: Token-based demand response programmes encourage consumers to modify their energy use according to grid conditions, aiding in the balance of supply and demand and reducing reliance on costly peaking power plants.

Attracting Investment: Tokenised energy assets create new funding opportunities for renewable energy projects. Investors can buy tokens representing stakes in these projects, offering a more accessible and liquid investment avenue for the energy transition.

Fostering Innovation: The tokenisation of energy assets paves the way for investment and innovation within the energy sector. Startups and entrepreneurs can raise capital through token sales, speeding up the development of new technologies and services.

Regional Expansion Use Cases

Aiding start-ups or data centre investment projects to scale faster through DEX, with the combination to list as IPO, as Rheo provides Token listing, and Data Centre use case provides traditional investors for IPO listing. – Scale up sustainable Data Centres with community fundings such as start-ups through Rheo’s platform – AI Data Centres – Liquid Cooling Data Centres,carbon%20footprint%20for%20data%20centers – Sustainable Data Centres – The reason why Singapore will benefit from DeFi sustainable economy



With Rheo Energy Stablecoin together with decentralised exchange, a strategic planning and approach to expand the exposure, investment opportunities, network effect together with Semiconductor microchips creation, Smart Estate Development of Data Centres, and encouraging more renewable energy infrastructure usage.


  1. Rheo Energy Stablecoin(Utility Token)
  2. Rheo RX (Native Token)
  3. Decentralised Exchange Platform 


  1. Green mining
  2. Data centre enabler
  3. Smart estate developer

Partnership Prospects

Nvidia, Supermicro, PwC, Smart Cities Developers, Cosmos, Aptos, Dfinity, Polkadot, Bitcoin, Ethereum, London Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, SGX, MAS, Semiconductors.

Key Considerations for Partnerships

  • Data Centre Operators: Partnering with leading data centre providers can help in integrating energy tokens into existing data centre infrastructure and developing new facilities.
  • Telecommunications Companies: They offer essential connectivity services and can play a role in integrating smart city and data centre solutions.
  • Real Estate Developers: Collaborating with developers involved in infrastructure and real estate can support the development of new data centre projects and smart city initiatives.
  • Cloud Providers: Working with cloud service providers can enhance the scalability and integration of data centre services with energy tokens.

Table of Contents
